Fagan, August/September 1954 | western-sidereal
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Cyril Fagan


The Transits of Jupiter and Saturn, August/September 1954

In this article, Fagan continues his look at transiting planets. Here, he looks at the transits of Jupiter and Saturn alone, and in combination with other planets, He delves deeply into the intrinsic nature of these planets and discuses their meaning in the birthchart and in synastry.

To appreciate the influence of the radical and transiting Jupiter it is first necessary to grasp the significance of the radical and transiting Mercury; for just as Venus and Mars rule opposing constellations so do Mercury and Jupiter rule constellations that are diametrically in opposition to one another, namely Gemini-Sagittarius, and Virgo-Pisces, which implies that Mercury, the meanest [i.e., smallest, although Pluto is smaller still but now considered a dwarf planet, ed.] of the planets, is diametrically opposite in effects to that of Jupiter, the giant of them all.

Scholars are aware that the word Mercury is derived from the Latin merx, meaning “wares,” and from this word originated merchants, merchandise, mercenary, mercantile, market and commerce. The Latin word merces meaning hire, pay, wages, reward, salary is also a variant of the same root. The Mercuriales were a company of traders established at Rome, and the Roman god, Mercury, was the patron of traders and thieves. The only difference between a trader and a thief is, of course, one of methodology; the former operates within the framework of the moral and civil law, the latter outside of it, but both are animated by the desire for gain; hence Mercury signifies the acquisitive faculty, which in affliction degenerates to greed and dishonesty. Mercury and Venus, the minor planets, are the orbs nearest to the Sun, and the urge to make money and to be loved are cravings nearest to the heart (Sun) of every man, After all, the prime purpose of modern education (signified by Mercury) is to train youth to become efficient professional or business men, so that they will be capable of earning their own livelihood. A clerk (Mercury) in an office is obviously not there for the good of his health. The commercial and business worlds, with their vast network of offices, warehouses, shops and transit systems are the projections of Mercury; albeit the smallest planet in the solar system. Even our great gleaming cities are, for the most part, its creation.


To earn money it is essential to be familiar with currency; to add, subtract and be proficient in other arithmetical processes; to read and write; to keep accounts; to beg, cajole, negotiate and bargain; and to scheme, plan and advertise, which, as every student knows, are all mercurial effects. Acquisitiveness in any form, whether it be for money, property, titles, or knowledge, is the essential nature of Mercury. Astute and successful businessmen will be found to have the natal Mercury strongly configured and frequently from the foreground. It is, therefore, not surprising to find the Moon frequently in conjunction, opposition or square aspect in the horoscope of thieves, swindlers, pickpockets, confidence men and those intent on gain. Even the trine aspect between these bodies, when exact, is sufficient to cause the native to stray from the path of rectitude. 

The nature of one's natural business, profession or trade can usually be determined from Mercury's position in the constellations and houses and from its configurations with the other natal bodies. Business prospers when the benefics transit Mercury from the foreground of the lunar return, but it declines when it suffers the passage of the malefics. Even in wars transits to the radical Mercury can be significant. Napoleon had Mercury in Cancer in the 10th house in opposition to the Moon in Capricorn and in square to Jupiter in Libra and Uranus in Aries, and at the height of his fame he enriched France at the expense of the rest of Europe. Hitler had Mercury on the cusp of the 7th house—that is, in the immediate foreground—in opposition to Uranus, and he did the same for Germany, but like Napoleon, Hitler too had Saturn in Cancer in the Midheaven and lived to see his empire crumble to dust.


The capacity to enjoy oneself depends on the position of Jupiter at birth and on its configurations. If it is in the foreground and unafflicted by the malefics, then one will enjoy life to the fullest measure, but if it is in the background and afflicted by the malefics, then such a capacity will, unhappily, be largely lacking. Those who laugh heartily usually have the radical Moon (symbol of the emotions) robustly configured by Jupiter and from the fore or middle-ground. Slapdash comedy and boisterous laughter occur when Mars also aspects Jupiter and the Moon; but the humor is more charming and captivating if Venus, instead of Mars, should enter into the configuration; should Saturn aspect the Moon and Jupiter, the humor is more somber and constrained; sly, mischievous humor is marked when Jupiter and Pluto together behold the Moon. 

Humor and well-being radiate from the native who has the Sun in conjunction or in opposition to Jupiter at birth. Although he may not be prone to outburst of laughter, his genial nature will be obvious from the merry twinkle that shines in his eyes. A dour Jupiterian is an impossibility. Those who have the luminaries in one or other of Jupiter's constellations, Sagittarius or Pisces, are distinguished by their hilarity and optimistic outlook on life. "Laugh and the world laughs with you; weep and it leaves you alone."


Successful comedians are paid salaries out of all proportion to those of statesmen and doctors. There is a difference, of course, between entertaining and being entertained. In the former case the native is acting from his own natal Jupiter, while in the latter he is merely reacting to another's Jupiter or to the transit of that body. Alas, the world prefers a refuge from its tribulations in the mad pursuit of amusements where it can vicariously partake of the merriment of others—rather than face and understand the root of its own sorrow and hence eradicate it. Surely it is more wholesome for the heart to dance to the lilt of its own inner music than hum the tune of another?


Because of his self-assurance, good humor and sense of sportsmanship, the Jupiterian gets preferential treatment, while the more efficient are left behind; and most Jupiterians know how to wear "the old school tie." A physician with a good bedside manner is likely to be more reassuring to the ailing, and hence more popular and successful, than one better versed in medical science.

Jupiterian Spending

While Mercury tediously toils to acquire money, Jupiter delights in spending it. To live the life of a grand seigneur, to revel in luxury and opulent ease is the natural urge of those born under the jovial planet; for Jupiter is a spender, not a wage earner. Reckless extravagance—the tendency to "burn money"—occurs when Jupiter and Mars are in mutual configuration from the foreground; but should Saturn, and not Mars, configure Jupiter, the fear of a possible "rainy day" exercises a restraining influence. Should the Sun configure Jupiter a premium is put on titles and distinctions, honor taking precedence over mere wealth; and should Neptune be in the foreground or also configured with Jupiter and the Sun, the aspiration is for religious or ecclesiastical preferment, a place in the mystical hierarchy.


The native stands to benefit—probably financially— from those whose natal Jupiter falls on one or other of the angles of his horoscope. He will feel important and gratified by the society of those whose Jupiter configures his Moon, finding their superior lineage, status or culture much to his taste, and he will affect their style and manner. Those whose Jupiter configures his Mercury may put lucrative business into his hands, and otherwise enhance his intellectual horizon. One of the happiest tokens of enduring friendship is the mutual configuration of Venus and Jupiter in the genitures of comrades and lovers. The affection of the Venus person gives joy to the Jupiterian, which is not slow to reciprocate. The native's best interests are likely to benefit considerably from those whose Jupiter is in conjunction or in opposition to his radical Sun. This is especially true if the interchange occurs between members of the same family or those related by marriage. There is danger of the native trespassing too much on the generosity of those whose Jupiter configurates his radical Mars. Here there is a tendency to extort money, or else expect the Jupiterian to foot the bills or pay for his escapades, and as such demands are rarely pleasing, the visits of the native are not welcomed. 

The native whose Saturn is in opposition or conjunction with another's Jupiter may find the latter, often at great personal sacrifice, coming to his financial assistance; not, however, without the native feeling a pang of mortification. Yet such a relationship is not easily dissolved, but tends to endure for some time, for the Jupiterian feels that he has a duty to perform, and to shirk it would leave him no peace. This interchange is not uncommon among those who support an afflicted relative, or those who have to sacrifice much for the upbringing of their children. It is, of course, understood that the foregoing remarks will only hold true provided the interchanges operate from the fore-or middle-grounds and are not complicated by the configurations of other planetary bodies.


If the natal Jupiter should rise, culminate or set at the moment of the solar or lunar return (including the corresponding demi-returns), the native will be in the vein to enjoy himself during the periods covered by such returns, provided Jupiter is free from the transits of Mars, Saturn and Neptune. He will spend freely, toast the health of his boon companions, play a good game and chuckle with amusement. Being in a jubilant mood implies untroubled health and freedom from immediate cares. But should the radical Jupiter fall in the background of such returns, then he will be less disposed to give himself over to enjoyment, and not so prone to entertain, spend money or be amused. 

Convivial Gatherings

When arranging convivial meetings, social gatherings, sporting events and the like, if it is intended that all would enjoy themselves, it is advisable that interchanges between the benefics, or between the benefics and the luminaries, should subsist in the horoscopes of those invited. If a date is picked when the Moon in phase transits the native's radical Jupiter, then, if all concerned are to enjoy themselves, the same transit should configure the benefics in the charts of all. He who suffers a transit of the Moon in phase across his natal Saturn will be in no mood for levity and may prove to be a bored and disappointed guest. So the wise host, remembering that "birds of a feather flock together," will choose his company so that everyone will benefit by the transit, which means that all must have their birth benefics inter-aspected.


When buying a present for a child, or entertaining him, the thoughtful parent and guardian, who wishes to give the maximum pleasure, will fix the date when the luminaries or minor planets—especially Venus— are in transit over the child's natal Jupiter, and preferably when the youngster's lunar return is appropriate to the occasion, bearing in mind that what pleases the parent may not necessarily delight the child. This admonition holds true for presentations of all kinds, such as gifts between lovers and friends. The laughter in one's heart is hushed when the malefics transit the place of Jupiter at birth. 

When the Sun exactly transits the ascendant or midheaven of the lunar or demi-lunar return, the native may be highly honored if not ennobled according to his station in life. Under such a transit princes have been crowned and cardinals elected to the Chair of St. Peter. If the Sun should simultaneously transit the natal Jupiter, the native will be overjoyed, but should it be with the transiting Jupiter, then the electorate will rejoice. But should the Sun be attended by the malefics in transit, the honor may not receive universal approbation, and may even be resented in many quarters.


Transits of the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars over the natal Jupiter on the date of the lunar return have already been detailed, so they need not be repeated here except to remind the reader that the native usually enjoys himself at social gatherings, where he is an honored guest when Mercury is the transiting body; he becomes the delighted recipient of caresses and gifts when Venus is in transit; but tends to wild extravagance when Mars transits the birth Jupiter. It should, however, be added, that should Mars be with the Sun in transit and afflict the radical Jupiter, there is serious risk of fire. Even if Mars alone transits Jupiter from the foreground, especially should it be stationary or retrograde, the possibility of fire is ever present, and the greatest care should be taken to guard against such a contingency.

Parents should watch the transits of Mars over the place of Jupiter, or the opposite point in the geniture of their children, and take the necessary precautions. Should the transiting Uranus be simultaneously in conjunction or in opposition to Jupiter, there is grave danger from explosive dust, radio-active matter or the like, should the native be in their vicinity.


The transits of the remaining planets to the natal Jupiter will be delineated as we proceed. Suffice to say now that Saturn's transit to the radical Jupiter ushers in a period when a curtailment of enjoyment and rigorous economy must be enforced if the native wishes to avoid serious embarrassment. Generally speaking, the native takes a somber view of life and is less prone to gaiety in any form under the Saturn transit. Under its impact many have sold all their worldly possessions and entered a monastery, especially those who have Neptune, the significator of the contemplative and religious life, in the foreground at birth, or configuring the luminaries.


In the foregoing we have been considering transits to the radical Jupiter, where the native, himself, was the bringer of joy to others. The transiting Sun honored him, he was feted by Mercury, Venus sought to win him by her caresses and Mars coveted his wealth. The reverse of the medallion showing Jupiter as a transiting planet now merits our consideration. In this scene the native looks out at a world of joyous movement and longs to become part of it. It impinges on his consciousness and beckons him. Encompassed by laughter, splendor and wealth, he reacts to it all according to his planetary capacity. Fortuna brandishing the horn of Amalthea, taps at his door and he throws wide the portals, the Queen commands and he kneels for the accolade, women of dazzling beauty smile and he is bewitched, the youthful denizens of a gay world glance at him and their foibles become his, Midas's gold glitters and temptation enfetters the will. Such effects are possible when Jove holds the firmament of the lunar return. 

Most Fortunate Period

Provided no contrary influences prevail, the most fortunate period of the year will be that covered by the return which shows the transiting Jupiter in the immediate foreground, and the nearer it is to the angles the more powerful will be its beneficial effects. The best positions are the few degrees immediately above the ascendant and descendant and at or near the zenith [the place that is square the horizon, usually in the 9th or 10th house, ed.]. In northern temperate zones a planet will be at its nearest approach to the zenith when at its maximum north declination (i.e. in the early degrees of the constellation Gemini) and on the midheaven. For southern latitudes the nearest approach will occur when the planet is in the early degrees of the constellation Sagittarius, when on the midheaven. Should Jupiter in northern latitudes culminate in the constellation Sagittarius or in southern latitude in Gemini, its beneficial effects may not be so marked, as it will then be more remote from the zenith. Most things prosper under such a return, frowns yielding place to smiles. Frequently—but not invariably so—it brings additional money, improved health, progress, and an atmosphere of well-being and gaiety. Financial transactions prosper, speculation and gambling bring lucrative returns, jobs are found, promotion is assured, the larder replenished, debts liquidated and the wardrobe relined. Here it should be noted that an honor may be conferred on the native during the period covered by such a lunar return but he may not get to know about it for a considerable time later when he is under the influence of a subsequent, and perhaps indifferent, return. Because of distance money sent to the native under the operation of a predominantly jovial return may not arrive until a month or so later. Conversely the symptoms of an infection caught under the operation of an unfortunate return may only become apparent later when that return is no longer operative. 

Elevation, honor and dignities are conferred when Jupiter and the Sun together transit in the foreground of the lunar return; popularity and public acclaim meets the native when Jupiter transits the Moon; when Jupiter transits with Mercury, business thrives and one’s written works prove lucrative; when Jupiter is accompanied by Venus, wedding bells ring and the air is filled with merriment.  If Mars is the companion  of Jupiter, the rumble of thunder will be heard in the sultry sky and temptation flushes the cheeks; when Jupiter is accompanied by Saturn, contracts are signed and the native will settle down to a humdrum, if beneficial daily routine.  If Jupiter transits with Uranus, unexpected good luck brings thrills and excitement galore.  If with Neptune, the church will approve and bestow its benediction, and if with Pluto, a separation or departure will bring joy and relief.


The incidents occurring in the native’s immediate environment and in the outer world will prove to be highly favorable to the native when Jupiter transits an angle of the solar or lunar return (provided Jupiter is free of affliction) according to the radical planet (if any) transited at the same time.  Should the transit be to the natal Moon (which will, obviously, also be on the angle) it will bring welcome changes.  An opportunity to travel, go abroad or take a vacation may present itself and will give the greatest delight.  Should the native appear on the stage or public platform he will meet with a personal triumph and his popularity and self-esteem will be at its peak.

Should Jupiter transit the radical Sun, the native will find in the foregoing incidents the fulfillment, at least in part, of his dearest wishes and of those hopes and ambitions that are buried deep in his heart. Should Jupiter transit the radical Mercury, these incidents will present an excellent opportunity for making money and doing good business (irrespective of its nature). Trade will prosper, one’s mental output will be remunerative and applications for increase of salary will meet with a measure of success.  But should Jupiter be in conjunction or opposition to the transiting Mars, in certain instances the desire for gold may cause the native to resort to violence or dishonorable deeds. Not a few bank swindles and other robberies were committed under such configurations. Some smiling face and attractive form may come into the life of the native and he often finds himself falling in love when Jupiter transits the radical Venus.  The happiest moments of this return are spent with this newfound friendship, and to retain it he will lavish even costly gifts.


Should Jupiter be accompanied by Mars, the ardor of the native’s affections may lead to indiscretions.  It is not uncommon for marriages to take place under Jupiter’s transit to Venus, and they usually prove to be the happiest.  When Jupiter transits the radical Mars, the native’s struggle for money may meet with success.  This is a fortunate transit for military and naval commanders, sportsmen and the like. The native will be surprised at his pluck at this time. When Jupiter transits the radical Saturn from the foreground the native often finds his worst fears assuaged, his forebodings vanishing, and for the nonce, his habitual pessimism giving way to smiles. Should he be in debt, a friend may defray it; if he is ailing and in pain his discomfiture will be alleviated.  Under the impact of this transit children are often sent away to college.

Successful and joyous traveling, release from confinement and humdrum existence, escape to prosperity, success with inventions and the like, are promised when Jupiter transits the radical Uranus from the foreground of the solunars.  He may be prompted to do something out of the ordinary, visit places strange to him or attempt some adventure off the beaten track and be elated with his experience.


The devotee receives consolation, the supplication of the religious are heard and the studious meet with reward when Jupiter transits the radical Neptune. To the ill-concealed joy of the native, the transit of Jupiter to his radical Pluto often frees the native from an unwanted marriage partner or other person who fettered his freedom or who stood in the way of his promotion or self-expression.  It often brings gain by a death, but not necessarily financial gain. Under its promptings hampering attachments are dissolved, jobs and memberships in organizations are often relinquished.


[The reader should bear in mind that this material was written sixty years ago by a seasoned master astrologer—probably the best interpreter of his day—who was born in 1896. The first breath of psychological astrology was twenty years away in 1954. Some people may find Fagan's examples extreme or without as much room for extenuating circumstance as modern astrologers are inclined to allow for, so as to turn difficult transits into growth experiences. Allowance should be made for the era which was more deterministic than is now the case, ed.]

Transits of Saturn

Just as the position of the natal Jupiter denotes the fullness of joy and laughter in our psychological make-up, so does Saturn’s radical longitude indicate the source of our innate woes and miseries, often the brood of a deep inferiority complex.  This sense of inferiority may be due to many causes such as physical deformity, lack of comeliness or good looks, smallness or overgrowth of stature, a lisp or impediment in speech, defective memory, lack of mental capacity, dullness of comprehension, slowness of wit, obscure parentage, impoverished childhood, neglected education and other disabilities, real or imaginary, too numerous to list.


In contradiction to the rich maturing Jupiter, Saturn hinders all growth, if not inhibiting it altogether. No matter what planet he aspects he corrupts and it is the awareness of such corruption that causes us such anguish. For example, he whose Mercury is fettered by the leaden Saturn is vaguely conscious of his mental confusion, but without stopping to understand the cause, he thinks that by prolonged study and application clarity will eventually be his; so he spends his days tediously making copious notes from every authoritative work that he can lay his hands on, or else he burns the midnight oil searching records, compiling statistics or making laborious calculations. But after a lifetime of such endeavor he awakens to the fact that while he has accumulated a vast amount of information, he is no wiser than he was at the start. He fails to realize that it was his initial approach to the problem that was at fault and that his protracted studies only served to intensify and indurate his original confused outlook.  Yet it is those who have Saturn to the fore who usually produce the most massive tomes or ponderous textbooks, frequently to little purpose. It is only when the futility of such labor is recognized and terminated and the mind honestly recognizes its limitations permitting itself to lie fallow, that the flash of understanding illuminates the brain. 

In contrast to the love for beautiful and mature women bestowed by Venus’ configurations with Jupiter, especially if these benefics be in the foreground, Saturn’s configurations with Venus— not excluding the trine aspect—tends to produce fixations or stunted growth in the affections more especially if Saturn be in the foreground and Venus in the background, or if Saturn revolves in the same parallel of declination as Venus.  Those subject to such configurations are often incapable of adult love, their love-life remaining at child-level, or else it is largely conditioned by childhood associations, from which there appears to be no escape.


As the native’s attractions are described by the planet to which Venus applies at birth, if this planet happens to be Saturn, then the native may shun society altogether or may sometimes seek consolation in the clandestine company of those who are in some way or another weaker or inferior to himself.  Terrified lest his innate weakness of character and capacity should be exposed, the Saturnian builds a wall of protection around himself, becoming reserved, secretive, uncommunicative, cautious, sly and circuitous or indirect in action.  Suspicious of all strangers, he is slow to give his confidence and he is fearful of declaring his love lest he be spurned or ridiculed.

When Saturn configures Mars, especially should the former be in the foreground and the latter in the background, physical courage is usually sadly lacking and the native will go out of his way to eschew the society of the virile unless he is in a position of power or is otherwise adequately protected. Yet those having this configuration often feel at home as disciplinarians in institutions and schools where they are in authority over the young and defenseless, the more so should Pluto also configure Mars.


As to the effect of Venus’ configurations to both malefics, all I need to say is that at the birth of the infamous Marquis de Sade (June 2, 1740 hour unknown), Mars was in Aries 3°, Saturn in 1° and Venus in Cancer 5°; that is to say, Venus was conjoined to Saturn and in square aspect to Mars. A woman who was obliged to flee from the continental police because of her extreme cruelty to her daughter, was born when Venus was conjoined to Saturn in the beginning of the constellation Capricorn in trine aspect to Mars in Virgo, the last named being precisely in the mid-heaven.  As this woman may still be living, the details as to her birthdata must unfortunately be withheld.

When judging character one should not neglect to look at the positions of the planets on the date of conception, assuming the latter is approximately known, for very often the character of a child is determined long before the date of birth.  Neville Heath, one of the worst sadists to figure in the annals of the British Criminal Courts, was born according to report, at Ilford, London (51°N33', 00°E06') between 9 and 10 a.m.  British Summer Time, on June 6, 1917.  At his birth the Moon was almost in exact opposition to Venus in the beginning of Gemini, while Mercury, Mars and Jupiter were in conjunction with Algol at 1° Taurus 20' [the beta star in Perseus, ed.]  His Sun in 21° Taurus 20' was in the same degree of longitude as the Marquis de Sade.  On September 9, 1916, the approximate date of the conception, Saturn was in 3° Cancer, Venus in 6° Cancer and Mars in 6° Libra; that is to say, Venus was conjoined to Saturn and in square aspect to Mars.


Saturn’s configurations to the radical Jupiter make the native unduly prudent in all purchasing and spending transactions, especially if Saturn is more to the fore than Jupiter; and so there is a tendency to hoard wealth rather than part with it.  Many millionaires were born when Saturn was rising or culminating at birth.  The emperor Frederick William I of Prussia, who was born, according to E. Troinski,  at 3:00 p.m. [Local Apparent Time, ed.], August 14, 1688 N.S. [i.e., N.S. is New Style or Gregorian reckoning, ed.], at Berlin, and the stern father of Frederick the Great, was reputed to be one of the meanest monarchs of all time.  At his birth Saturn in the tenth house had entered the constellation of its exaltation, Libra, and was in square aspect to Jupiter, the latter being below the horizon in opposition to Pluto.

Perhaps it may be the look of fear or an expression of stupidity that invites maltreatment and ill-usage to the child born with Saturn in the foreground in configuration with the Sun, for it is certainly true that many born with these configurations have an unhappy childhood, suffering many indignities at the hands of parents or guardians, even though some of them may be born into affluent circumstances.  Such children are often unwanted or are made the family drudge, familiar with discipline and enjoying little personal freedom.


Strange as it may seem, interchanges between the Sun and Saturn are not uncommon in married life or between friends, and the psychology that causes such attachments is interesting.  Usually it will be found that the lordly Sun-person finds self-preservation in the Saturn person, who is content to mutely listen and nod agreement, eventually acting as the Sun-person’s factotum.  But the alliance is rarely a happy one, however subtly it may be cloaked, for the Saturn-person, conscious of his inferiority, begins to depend more and more on the Sun-person, who finds his own freedom jeopardized.  The Sun-person may feel obliged to support the Saturn-person, be the latter a parent, a marriage partner, a relative, friend or child, for many a long day and grow old in the process.  The nature of the support may be simply material or it may be social, political, psychological and so forth, dependent on the nature of the relationship.  If the support is neglected then the Sun native will have to contend with tears and laments.

While the Jupiter-person finds it a joy to defray the Saturn-person’s bills, the relationship between a Mars and Saturn-person is one of the most unfortunate that can occur, especially should the Sun be in conjunction or opposition to Mars.  By this relationship I mean when Mars in the horoscope of one person is in conjunction or opposition to the Saturn of the other.  Several cases of such inhuman associations have been reported in the astrological press, the most noted being of the Emperor Frederick William I of Prussia and his son Frederick the Great, whom he repeatedly trounced because the latter preferred culture to guns.  His severity was such that he caused his son’s dearest friend, Katte, to be executed before the boy’s eyes on November 7, 1730.  The Saturn person may live in constant dread of the Mars person and in marriage the result may be catastrophic unless there are other configurations to minimize these effects.


Saturn then, is generally considered the significator of fear and cowardice that breed hatred and revenge.  Out of fear the downtrodden may treat their masters with cringing respect, but they can never love them, and in liberation they may destroy them utterly.  Fear begets the search for protection, but where there is fear there is always stupidity and confusion of thought.  Fear and love cannot coexist; the one destroys the other.  Intelligence flowers only in the soil of love.  Parents who enforce obedience forfeit the love of their children.  To understand anything—whether it be lessons, mathematical problems, art, machinery, children or animals—one must first learn to love it, for without love there can be no vital interest or real understanding.  But fear spawns resistance, dislike, repudiation, condemnation and judgment which thwart all possibility of understanding.  Fear throws the shadow of self into bold relief; true love is selfless.

When the Sun, Moon or planets are in any constellation they condition that consteallation by their particular influences.  For example, the constellation Scorpio produces the most numerous and greatest of the world’s fighting men, and this constellation will be found to figure prominently in their horoscopes; but when Saturn transits through the martial Aries and Scorpio it “…makes men very lazy and disinclined for action, cowards, timorous of drooping spirit, wretched, always tormenting their hearts with woes…” (Manetho, Apotelesmatica, Book II).  On the other hand when the fiery Mars is passing through the constellations ruled by Saturn and hence naturally timorous, it “…makes men fearless, bold in action, daring and intrepid…” (ibid, Book II). Capricorn was deemed to be more courageous than the plaintive Aquarius, as Mars was exalted therein. [i.e. Mars is exalted in Capricorn, ed.]


When the radical Saturn comes into the foreground of the lunar return, all the native’s fears rise to the surface to discomfort him.  Should the transiting Sun configure the birth Saturn, that which he has sedulously kept dark and secret—his incapacities, weaknesses, deceptions, crimes, and so forth—are in danger of being exposed to the light of day.  Should Mercury transit in aspect to Saturn, gossip, news or a letter may occasion keen embarrassment and dejection.  Should the Sun and Mars together transit Saturn the effects are painful in the extreme; no indignity seems to be spared.  When Beatrice Cenci (born February 2, 1577 at 4:30 p.m. at Florence, Italy) was chastised by her brutal father Francisco Cenci on December 13, 1597 (N.S.), Mars was transiting her natal Neptune in opposition to her natal Saturn.  When on September 11, 1599 (N.S.) at 9:30 a.m. at Rome she was beheaded for procuring the death of her father, Mars was again transiting her radical Neptune in opposition to the radical Saturn.

Jupiter’s transits, on the other hand, releases the native from his immediate fears and torments and restores his self-confidence; but it sometimes exacts an act of contrition and an amendment of one’s ways.  But probably the most devastating of all is that of Pluto, which gives the native such a shock that it is rarely forgotten.  Should the luminaries at birth be in aspect to Saturn, he may sometimes learn that he is the victim of a deep-seated malady; should Mercury configure Saturn, he may be surprised in some dishonest transaction; should Venus aspect Saturn, he should take precaution to protect his reputation; should Mars configure Saturn, he should beware of brutality, and so forth.  When thus detected the immediate reaction to Pluto’s transit sometimes tends toward headlong flight and violent agitation.  However well-guarded, monarchs and dictators who have Saturn in the foreground at birth live in constant dread of assassination; such fears are not allayed when Saturn appears in the foreground of the lunar return.  Under such returns combatants and sportsmen, in their own interest, should where possible, eschew any decisive action.  Indeed, when the radical Saturn is under the rays of transiting planets it is wise to observe the period as a sabbath or day of rest.


Sometimes it happens that the appearance of the birth Saturn on an angle of the lunar return makes us feel tired, weary or positively ill but it will be found that these are the reactions to resistance, frustration, disappointment or disillusionment. Incidentally the seat of a physical affliction will be found in the position of the radical significators, that is, in the ascendant, Moon or Sun, or in their opposite points, but not in the position of the promittors or configurating planets, be they malefics or benefics. If the affliction is congenital, its astrological cause may appertain to the date of conception.

When the transiting Saturn appears in the foreground of the lunar return, the native usually must be prepared to face a dull, dismal and disappointing month, where everything seems to go wrong and little or no headway is made. To attend vital conferences at this time or undertake any important business is to court failure. The effects will be worse should Mars and Saturn transit in conjunction or in opposition. Should such a configuration fall across the horizon or meridian there is danger of serious illness, hurt or accident, especially if one of the birth luminaries be also in the foreground. Should the transiting Jupiter be simultaneously in the background, there is danger of loss of money or even of employment. Creditors may press for payment and efforts to raise money may be unavailing. The native may even be forced to part with his possessions to pay his expenses. Gambling and speculation bring no luck. To be prepared to face the bleakness of this month and not to fight it, is the best advice that can be offered, for all attempts to overcome it may only accentuate the misery.


In the previous parts of this series the effects of Saturn's transits of the radical Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars have been detailed, so they need not now be repeated. A depleted income, mounting expenses, civil bills, and, in some instances, even bankruptcy are liable when Saturn transits the radical Jupiter from the foreground of the lunar return. The effects are worse should the transiting Neptune be in conjunction or opposition to the transiting Saturn. Unfortunately this transit persists for several years. It occasionally happens that the native stringently enforces economy or else voluntarily surrenders wealth and position to join some religious or mendicant order. 

It is hardly necessary to state that when Saturn transits its own place at birth all the miseries inherent in the birth Saturn are intensified. Removals, journeys or new undertakings initiated by the native are likely to prove disappointing and unproductive should Saturn transit the natal Uranus from the foreground of the lunar return. Should Mars be with Saturn there is often danger of earthquakes, collisions, railroad smashes and the like; or losses in connection with machinery. Remorse and darkness are apt to beset the mind when Saturn aspects the radical Neptune from the foreground. Giuseppe Sarto, canonized on May 29th last [i.e., 1954, ed.] as Saint Pius X, was born at 11 p.m. L.M.T. on June 2, 1835 at Reise 45°N38'; 12°E15', the sidereal longitude of the Moon being 1° Leo 33' and therefore in conjunction with the radiant spot in the "Sickle of Leo" which produces the famous shower of shooting stars known as the Leonids, a testimony of elevation and fame (Alexander the Great and Napoleon I had the Sun in conjunction with this spot). In spite of his protests of unworthiness and his tears he was elected pope on August 4, 1903 and the lunar return covering this event occurred on July 25, 1903 at 3:40 p.m. L.M.T. Rome. It most significantly shows the Sun and Mercury on the ascendant but in opposition to Saturn, which was transiting the radical Neptune, and his election came not as a source of joy, but deep concern to him. The demi-lunar return (7:53 p.m., L.M.T., Rome, August 8, 1903) covering his enthronement and the subsequent ceremonies will well repay study. The native may, against his better nature, indulge in rash actions, or divorce his wife and for many a day live to regret it. Incidents of the effect of Saturn's transit over the radical Pluto from the foreground of the lunar return are rare but they seem to coincide with the curtailment of the native's freedom and in extreme cases with incarceration or even interment.

We would like to thank Derek Kinsolving for scanning the original articles from his collection of American Astrology magazines.



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