The 2000 Presidental Election | western-sidereal
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This article appeared in the NCGR Memberletter in the summer of 2000

At first glance Albert Gore and George Bush have similar horoscopes. They both have sidereal Cancer rising with Pluto rising in the ascendant. Transiting Neptune is parked on their natal descendants during this election year. The tendency of Neptune toward hype, glamour and glitz shows itself in an extreme manner in the case of these two men, who are steeped in it now more than they ever have been. Transiting Neptune opposite the angular natal Plutos of both candidates makes all but the most partisan supporters suspicious of supposed hidden agendas of both candidates, notwithstanding their best efforts to appear as folksy as possible.

Both candidates have a Jupiter-Moon conjunction, which is often symbolic of being born into a wealthy, powerful and socially prominent family, and which is in fact the case with both of them. Gore’s conjunction is better placed in Sagittarius because Jupiter is at home there, but Bush’s conjunction is much closer and stronger by virtue of being close to the meridian. Moreover, the Sun is closely configured with the Moon in Bush’s case (by a 3° square in the zodiac, but which is less than 1⁄2° from exact in right ascension). Bush therefore has a formidable familial and especially paternal image to live up to. Gore also has a square between his Sun and Moon, but it is so wide in the zodiac that one might guess its effect is virtually nil; however in right ascension, the mundane square between the Sun and Moon is 3° short of partile. Gore then, certainly has the same ambition for authority and the dynamism which often characterizes the hard aspects between the lights, but Bush has more of it and is luckier.

Both candidates have Uranus in the 11th house and both of them have aspects between Uranus and Jupiter. Bush has Jupiter applying to the trine to Uranus only 1° from exact; Gore has Jupiter separating from the opposition to Uranus, 6° beyond the exact contact. It’s not that trines are so good or oppositions so bad that counts most— again it’s a question of proximity. Bush’s trine is much stronger than Gore’s opposition because the trine is so tight and the opposition is so wide. Jupiter trine Uranus inclines toward popularity and the personal magnetism that leaders often display. Jupiter opposite Uranus is generally more restless, inventive, original, impatient and less popular than the trine.

Both candidates have Sirius (α Canis Majoris) rising. This extremely potent star, the brightest star in the sky as seen from the Earth, is so far south of the ecliptic that in the latitudes through the U.S., it rises long after the ecliptic degree associated with it (16° Gemini). That is, a body cannot be on the ascendant with the ecliptic degree with which it is described by only one coordinate, celestial longitude, if the body is not really on the ecliptic. A body must rise after its ecliptic degree in the Northern Hemisphere (assuming the body is not circumpolar) if it has south celestial latitude. Accordingly, Sirius rose at Washington D.C. 17m 47s, or almost 4 1⁄2° after Gore’s birth. That’s close enough to have an effect but not close enough to be considered strong. Sirius rose at Bush’s birthplace, New Haven, Connecticut 13m 59s or 3 1⁄2° before his birth. Bush’s placement is stronger than Gore’s but still not by much; however when Bush’s natus is relocated to Washington D.C., Sirius is only 8m 55s, or slightly less than 2 1⁄4° below his natal ascendant equated to the seat of power in the U.S. Sirius in Gore’s chart is twice as far away. The effect of Sirius, as described by Ptolemy (in Vivian Robson’s Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology) is to confer “honor, renown, wealth, ardor, faithfulness, devotion, passion and resentment.” Robson further adds that if Sirius is culminating the native can expect “high office under government giving great profit and reputation.” This writer’s experience is that much the same thing occurs whether the star is rising or culminating. Bush gets a dose of Sirius that’s at least twice as strong Gore’s, more if the inverse square law holds true with respect to astrological influence. Bush gets another star prominent in his horoscope: Achernar (α Eridani). This first magnitude star is only 6m 02s in right ascension or 1 1⁄2° from Bush’s natal mid-heaven. Ptolemy, again via Robson, says of Achernar, “the last bright one is of the same influence as Jupiter...and gives success in public office, beneficence and religion.” Gore, in contrast, gets a dim third magnitude star at his mid heaven, the delta star in Cassiopeiae, which is of the nature of Saturn. Worse, Difda, (β Ceti), is within one minute of right ascension of Gore’s natal Sun, and though it’s only a third magnitude star, Difda is also of the nature of Saturn.


While everyone has a mix of fortunate and difficult stars prominent in their horoscopes, one doesn’t want to encounter someone in head to head competition, with better stars prominent in their horoscopes or closer strong stars than one’s own, especially on their superior angles (the ascendant and mid-heaven).

Sidereal solar and lunar returns are the best predictive tools known to this writer. The place for which they are calculated delineates one’s affairs at the place in question. Bush’s solar return cast for Austin, the capital of Texas, is not particularly remarkable. It has his natal Saturn in the I.C., solar return Saturn trine the M.C. and solar return Pluto in the 7th house, so he’s away from home campaigning during much of this year. Solar return Venus is in the foreground at the I.C. but that’s perhaps only enough to allow him to be forgiven by the people of Texas for neglecting much of the state’s business in 2000.

Bush’s solar return cast for Washington D.C. is much more auspicious. It has 15° Taurus rising. Transiting Jupiter stations in September 2000 in 16° Taurus and will still be close to the solar return ascendant on Election Day. Not less compelling, Uranus in Bush’s solar return for Washington is 3° east of the midheaven. Transiting Jupiter and Uranus on superior angles is a major blessing. Only something stronger can beat that hand. On Election Day transiting Uranus will be less than 1⁄2 ° west of Bush’s solar return meridian equated to Washington D.C. Natal Venus at the I.C. augments still more the auspicious nature of the chart. Another major factor comes from solar return and transiting Pluto at the descendant of this chart. Pluto makes extreme whatever it touches and when configured with transiting benefics, it provides resounding success especially from the angles of a return chart. Bush’s solar return cast for Washington D.C. is much more auspicious. It has 15° Taurus rising. Transiting Jupiter stations in September 2000 in 16° Taurus and will still be close to the solar return ascendant on Election Day. Not less compelling, Uranus in Bush’s solar return for Washington is 3° east of the midheaven. Transiting Jupiter and Uranus on superior angles is a major blessing. Only something stronger can beat that hand. On Election Day transiting Uranus will be less than 1⁄2 ° west of Bush’s solar return meridian equated to Washington D.C. Natal Venus at the I.C. augments still more the auspicious nature of the chart. Another major factor comes from solar return and transiting Pluto at the descendant of this chart. Pluto makes extreme whatever it touches and when configured with transiting benefics, it provides resounding success especially from the angles of a return chart.

Gore’s solar return for Washington D.C., which is both his birthplace and residence, features his natal Mars at the M.C. with three solar return bodies, Saturn, Jupiter and Mars at the descendant and solar return Uranus at the I.C. On Election Day, November 7, transiting Saturn, Jupiter and Mars will have moved away from the solar return descendant and transiting Uranus will be 3° from the I.C. instead of its 1° orb that was the case at the time of the solar return, which would be more helpful. So Gore’s solar return is not strong on November 7, moreover the transiting Sun that day will square his natal Saturn precisely and oppose his solar return Saturn exactly too. That is a distinctly inauspicious indication. Gore’s demi-solar return, which begins on October 4, 2000, is no better. It has demi-solar return Mars in the foreground of the 10th house with demi-solar Saturn square the M.C. from the 7th house 2 1⁄2 ° out. On Election Day transiting Saturn is square Gore’s demi-solar M.C. from only 23', i.e. slightly more than 1⁄4° from the exact contact. In a contest, the winner is indicated by angular Jupiter, Uranus, Venus and sometimes Pluto if Pluto is in combination with benefics. The loser is indicated by angular Saturn, Mars, Neptune and sometimes Pluto if Pluto is configured with malefics.

The lunar returns illustrate this axiom too. Gore’s lunar return immediately preceding the election has Mars angular at the I.C. for Washington. His anlunar return, which is the lunar return of the solar return Moon, has Saturn angular on the descendant. The progressed horizon of the anlunar sweeps through Saturn on Election Day, a singularly unfortunate omen.

Bush’s lunar return for Austin, Texas where he probably will cast his vote, has transiting Jupiter just above the ascendant square his natal Mars exactly. Transiting Jupiter square natal Mars shows up very often in the horoscopes of winners especially in contests that are judged. Transiting Jupiter also sets exactly on the descendant of Bush’s secondary progressed chart set up for election night at Austin. He is holding a winning hand.

Bush’s lunar return equated to Washington D.C. immediately preceding the inauguration on January 20, 2001, has lunar return Venus applying to the M.C. only 1° west of the M.C. That same Venus is closely trine Bush’s natal Sun which itself is trine the M.C. only 1⁄4 ° from the exact to the minute contact. This kind of lunar return appears when there is something to celebrate. Bush is the winner.

© Kenneth Bowser, 2000. All rights reserved.

George W. Bush astrology chart
Al Gore Astrology Chart
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